Guldo vs Jogo

"The power of the beheading ritual in our society reverberates today in everyday idioms, gestures and jokes."-Frances Larson 

Guldo: Dragon Ball's telekinetic terrorizer.

Jogo: Jujutsu Kaisen's volcanic villain.

Good things come in small packages isn't only an addage to make somebody feel better about their small penis, but it also applies to "fan favorite" anime bad guys, being some of the standout members of their antagonistic groups for better or for worse, and despite their small screentime, and speedy executions, their impact is still felt (somewhat) to this day. Which of these paunchy weirdos will take their first victory? Heads will roll, as we find out who would win in a DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Begin...

For both combatants, the manga will take obvious priority, with secondary media such as the anime, the novels, and the guidebooks being taken into account for Jogo. As for Guldo, it's a tad more complicated, due to anime filler or other odd changes, the adaptation isn't exactly one-to-one, so instead of taking the scaling directly from it, we'll only be using certain techniques or details that do not contradict or change notable information from the manga. Guides like the Daizenshuu are also being used as some basis for certain parts of scaling, primarily: power levels. And finally, Guldo will be given certain abilities from games like Xenoverse or the Tenkaichi series, as these do not contradict his skill set, but these will not impact his scaling, so sadly Guldo won't be placed relative to Capsule Corp. Goku.



While not exactly the most fleshed out character, Guldo does actually have a backstory. As a child, Guldo eventually realized he had psychic powers, and with these great abilities he...stole toys and upskirted girls. What a guy. But his life would turn around, as when he was enlisted into the Frieza Force, he showed enough potential with his abilities to pass the test, and become a full fledged member of the Ginyu Foce, an elite group of mercenaries hired by the galactic dictator: Frieza himself. Before they were sent to Namek, the Ginyu Force made a fitness club and invited Guldo to join, only for him to refuse to go on a diet of Chilli Burgers. This was a pivotal step in the downfall of Guldo.

Upon being dispatched to Namek to find its fabled Dragon Balls, the Ginyu Force played a game of rock-paper-scissors in order to find out who'd get to kill Vegeta. After losing, Guldo was assigned to stop Krillin and Gohan instead, much to his annoyance. When fighting the duo, the strength and speed of his adversaries catch Guldo off guard, with him resorting to using his time stop abilities to dispose of them trickily. Once noticing the time stop tactic isn't working, he ultimately used his telekinesis to try and impale the duo where they stand. Right before he can kill them, Vegeta stops Guldo where he stands, and decapitates him with ease. Before his death, Guldo gets in his last curses towards the Saiyan Prince, and is quickly vaporized thereafter.


Born from humanity's fear directed at the Earth, Jogo was manifested into the form of a very powerful Special Grade Curse. With this great strength he spent his time...staying in hiding with the other Disaster Curses for awhile. After eventually being employed by Kenjaku; taking the body and identity of Suguru Geto, him and his Curse brethren were discussing how exactly they'd usher in a new age of Curses, with the topic of sealing Satoru Gojo eventually arising, and Jogo started to believe he'd be capable of eliminating the "Strongest Sorcerer" on his own. Later that night, Jogo ambushed Gojo, but was quickly pummeled into oblivion, starting to learn why Gojo had the title the hard way. After being decapitated and left to die, Jogo's losing streak begins here. 

Picked up by Hanami, Jogo was given a stretch of time to reconstitute, and plan with the Disaster Curses up until October 31st. On Halloween night, the large scale act of Jujutsu terrorism, dubbed the "Shibuya Incident", began with Jogo and his fellow curses ambushing Gojo once again, and while curbstomped physically, all the grunt work paid off, with Kenjaku being given the opening to seal the Strongest away for the time being. Later in the same day, Jogo found his ultimate opponent: Ryomen Sukuna being awakened. A deal was struck that if Jogo could hit Sukuna a single time, he'd join Jogo's cause, and combat thus began. Being once again violated by his foe, even his Maximum Technique ultimately failed against Sukuna's might. Through some kind of pre-death vision, Jogo made his final apologies to Dagon and Hanami, before being turned into char by Sukuna's arrow of fire.



Even though he's the weakest of the Ginyu Force, and unable to do some slightly more advanced Ki skills, Guldo isn't useless. His psychic might was great enough to make him a valuable asset to the crew, and let him get past the initiation mission in the first place. He's also adapted to situations in which his time stop fails, instead resorting to telekinesis to win. This strategy almost allowed him to beat Gohan and Krillin, who're both skilled fighters in their own rights.


Although he gets trounced by the top dogs of Jujutsu Sorcery, Jogo is considered one of the strongest curses for a reason. When fighting a weakened team of Maki, Nanami, and Naobito, who're all talented Sorcerers, Jogo casually dispatched them with his fire manipulation, killing off the head of the Zenin clan easily. While the fight wasn't exactly close, even the King of Curses acknowledged Jogo's skill and power before his death. Jogo has also displayed decent tactical knowledge and planning during combat.



Battle Armour

Made from an advanved rubber composite material, the signature armour of the Frieza Force is shown to be both durable and very stretchy, being a "one size fits all" deal. By design, the armour was built to absorb impacts and dissipate weaker energy blasts. Guldo's armous is shown to have the Ginyu Force's insignia on it.



Befitting of his stereotypical old man demeanor, Jogo comes equipped with a snazzy pipe, using a transfigured human brain to smoke with it. 



Boulean Physiology 

Appearing as green and stout aliens, Bouleans are the race Guldo comes from, with a mutation granting him his psychic powers. Due to their distinctive head shapes, Bouleans currently cannot wear Scouters, though ones fitting their faces are apparently in development. This will be important later. Also, even though it's not clear if this is due to Boulean genes, but Guldo still briefly survived as a severed head.

Ki Manipulation

Acting as the primary power system of the Dragon Ball universe, Ki is the internalized energy of any given living being made manifest, and is said to be a reflection of the user's self and life force. Being a spiritual energy fundamentally, Ki takes inspiration from Chinese Martial Arts, and has a level of metaphysicality to it. Through strengthening one's internal Ki, all the user's physical stats increase by proxy, and by focusing all of your Ki into a single point, the power of an attack is increased. But straight physicals aren't all there is to it, as a staple of Dragon Ball, by extending one's Ki outwards, it can create a beam or barrage of energy and cause explosions, or simply send the opponent flying. On the topic of flying, flight is one of the more rudimentary skills, and is performed by all the Ginyu Force. To round out strength and agility, Ki carries defensive properties, granting barriers, or simply nullifying weaker energy attacks. 

Time Freeze

By holding his breath, Guldo can stop time for as long as he can hold it, freezing his opponents and their surroundings completely. It's been shown that Time Freeze eats up a large sum of energy, leaving him unable to use it several times consecutively, as well as making him somewhat incapable of attacking in its duration, so this is more of an effective defense strategy, giving him ample time to dodge or hide.


Due to being psychic, Guldo posseses the associated power of telekinesis, letting him physically move objects or people around with only his mind. His psychokinetic might can leave any victims completely paralyzed in midair, and even though Krillin and Gohan had higher power levels, Guldo impaling them with a tree was going to be fatal regardless.

Punishment of 100 Blows

If Guldo doesn't just want to skewer his enemies with paralysis, he can have a bit more fun. Using telekinesis to freeze an opponent, Punishment of 100 Blows bombards them with many physical strikes while they're down.

Consecutive Energy Blast

While not used in the anime, in Xenoverse 2, Guldo has Consecutive Energy Blast as a skill. Not being all that complicated, this technique has the user throw out a large amount of Ki blasts in hopes of hitting the opponent.

Eye Lasers

Exactly what it says on the tin, in some anime filler, Guldo could shoot lasers out of his eyes. Can he fire them from all four? That's still a mystery.

Fighting Poses

An integral part of the Ginyu Force's identity, while more for show in the manga and anime, these poses are shown to have an actual amplifying effect in the games, such as increased defense, stamina, Ki strength, etcetera. Note that the buffs are temporary, and take up some energy to use.


Cursed Energy Manipulation 

The core force of energy that Spirits and Sorcerers alike draw from. Sparked by intense negative emotions, skilled users are capable of honing their feelings, and are able to output Cursed Energy from any condition. Beginning from the stomach and flowing out to the rest of the body, Cursed Energy can reinforce the body to make it far tougher than it could be naturally. It lets the user see the invisible, and strike down invulnerable Cursed Spirits. Those injured by attacks infused with Cursed Energy become automatically cursed without proper protection, causing festering wounds, corroding the mind, and outright death if the exposure is severe enough.

Cursed Spirits Physiology 

Cursed Spirits, or Curses for brevity, are directly created by the negative emotions humanity harbors, and take shape in the form of frightening and powerful spectres. Jogo in particular was made by the fear of the Earth. Curses cannot be killed by conventional means, being immune to attacks with no Cursed Energy, regardless of strength, and can regenerate from the loss of limbs easily. Given a month or so, Jogo could regenerate his entire body from a head. Fitting of their ghost-like natures, Curses are similarly entirely invisible to the human eye, existing in a state unrecognizable to the human mind, only distinctified as nightmarish auras to those unable to see them.

Disaster Flames

By "plugging in" Cursed Energy to a vessel, Cursed Techniques are given shape. Jogo's innate Technique is the ability to control highly potent volcanic flames. When fired up, his power can instantly turn a room of people to charred skeletons, and melt metal away with ease. His lava can be shot out of his head, palms, or miniature volcanoes. As shown in his battle with Sukuna, he can create massive amounts of lava very quickly.

Ember Insects 

As an extension of his Disaster Flames, Jogo can create swarms of these weird little insects to do the fighting for him. Shown against Gojo, they detonate on contact, with a combination of sound and explosives.

Coffin of the Iron Mountain

Jogo's innate Domain, Coffin of the Iron Mountain produces an absurd amount of heat, being able to burn away an average Sorcerer on contact. The real kicker behind this ability is how a Domain functions. By creating a barrier defined by a concrete shape, and controlled parameters of the outside and inside, a largely symbolic space is manifested into reality, with all information present in a Domain being provided to the user. The reason Domains are so deadly is due to the fact that if somebody is caught, the Domain's effect will always occur, where all defensive techniques are nullified to ensure the hit. Another plus to a Domain is that, similarly to a video game, the user's statistics are amplified. Such a powerful ability does have downsides, however, as it expends a massive sum of energy, leaving it so the user cannot use their Cursed Technique afterwards.

Maximum Meteor

When a Domain won't suffice, Jogo's supreme trump card is his Maximum Meteor. Appearing as a gargantuan stone coated in fire, this meteor had the range to turn Shibuya to ash, and Sukuna even acknowledged it'd hurt him if it landed.

Domain Amplification 

In order to turn off Gojo's Infinity, Jogo teamed up with Hanami in order to do the trick. Through Domain Amplification, the user coats themselves in the aura of their own Domain, and neutralizes all Cursed Techniques it encounters. The weakness to such a useful trick is the fact it makes one's own Cursed Technique unusable when it's open.

Enhanced Senses

Unsurprisingly, Jogo can see both himself and his invisible Curse brethren, with Sorcerers near his skill level being capable of analyzing a foe's moves through Cursed Energy flow. He could also see Gojo's lack of killing intent.


In his battle with Sukuna, Jogo showed enhanced enough mobility to practically fly.



Internal Damage: Ki manipulators can take noticeable internal threats and isolate them elsewhere in the body.

Extreme Cold & Radiation: The Ginyu Force cam survive in the vacuum of space, which is remarkably cold and full of cosmic radiation.


Foreign Intrusions: The body is in of itself a Domain, preventing attacks from being spawned within it.

Curse Manipulation: Those with Cursed Energy are resistant to its dangerous side-effects.

Mind & Information Manipulation: Due to the way a Curse's brain is structured, they have some degree of resistance to Gojo's Unlimited Void, shaking off its effects far faster than a human. Unlimited Void can put regular people into month long stupors after only 0.2 seconds of exposure.

Fear Manipulation: As he himself is a Curse, he is unaffected by their permeating auras of fear.

Heat Manipulation: He can easily survive the extreme heat and lava he outputs, though this does have a limit.




  • Joined the Ginyu Force
  • Has a pose named after him
  • Nearly killed Gohan and Krillin
  • Possibly got Boulean Scouters made
  • Playable in several games





  • One of the strongest Disaster Curses 
  • Survived two encounters with Satoru Gojo
  • Respected by Ryomen Sukuna
  • Almost killed Nanami and Maki, and succeeded with Naobito
  • Frontrunner of Lobotomykaisen





Turtle School Students

Although hes notably weaker than Krillin, Guldo could've killed him in a single strike with telekinesis, and should be far above the power level of Goku in his adolescent years.

The Saiyans

Even if the consistency of his power level fluctuates across media, it remains generally consistent that Guldo has a power level in the 10,000s, placing him above lower level Frieza Force members like Raditz or Nappa.


Special Grade Curses

Held in high regard by his teammates, Jogo I often considered one of, of not the strongest of the Disaster Grade Curses, who're all unregistered Special Grades in their own right.

The Strongest (barely)

While scaling Jogo to the full power of the Strongest Sorcerers is laughable, he's still been able to keep up with and survive very casual attacks from them, with 15 Fingers Sukuna even acknowledging that Maximum Meteor would've hurt him if it landed.



Even though Guldo is surprisingly strong, he is far from infallible. He is incredibly out of shape, to the extent that his Ki techniques tire him out exponentially, only being able to do roughly three Time Freezes in a row before stopping, and being unable to hold his breath for all that long. Guldo's bizarre head shape renders him incapable of using a Scouter, and hasn't learned Ki sensing to compensate. He also similarly struggles with hiding his presence.


With great pride comes great arrogance, and Jogo is no exception. Ironically, he's a tremendous hot-head, underestimating certain opponents and getting into unwinnable battles if there's just the tiniest chance of success in it.  Domain Expansion also leaves his Innate Technique too unstable to use, and drastically weakens him afterwards.



These two pack a punch, but which punch is packed superiorly? Coming in with a five digit power level, Guldo is certainly the superior of lesser Saiyans, bumping him up to Moon-Planetary levels of power, as he vastly upscales Roshi and Piccolo's feats of blasting the moon out of the sky. Even in the early Saiyan Saga characters like Krillin could kill scores of Saibamen, all of which has the same power as the guy who washed an early Piccolo, creating a long chain of upscaling the moon feats. In comparison, Jogo is strong enough to cause massive amounts of urban damage, and can generously get to Mountain level due to certain calculations for Dagon and Kenjaku. To put it bluntly, Jogo can destroy a mountain at his best, while Guldo can take moon-busters out like trash, even on a bad day. Due to the way energy works, these two can also take what they dish out, meaning Guldo isn't being outdone anytime soon.

As for speed, the gap is (spoiler alert) fittingly astronomical as well. At age 12 Goku was dodging light flashes and sending rabbits to the moon in seconds, with Roshi and Piccolo's moon feats doubling for speed, placing Guldo in a position of upscaling Relativistic to FTL+ speeds as he did with attack power. As one of the speedier characters, Jogo can easily outpace High Hypersonic, and is logically equal or above Mahito's Black Flash, which is blisteringly fast, clocking in at the Mach 900s at its peak. For as fast as Jogo is, light is obviously faster than any range of hypersonic, meaning Guldo takes the stat trinity in spades.


For as clear cut as stats was, these two's abillities make it a bit trickier than what it may seem. To clear up any confusion; Cursed Energy and Ki are virtually similar enough to be comparable, due to both being metaphysical and spiritual sources stemming from within the body. As a wise man once said, "It's like Ki if it was in desperate need of therapy". For personal abillities, Guldo's Time Freeze and telekinesis could put Jogo in a quick bind, and with his stat advantages any stray punch or Ki blasts could put an end to the Disaster Curse with ease, with spam attacks like Consecutive Energy Blast acting as solid spread damage. In spite of his statistic disadvantages, Jogo isn't totally down for the count just yet, because although tools like Domain Amplification won't be of that much use, his innate Disaster Flames can certainly change the tide. Guldo can resist extreme cold, but he has nothing for absurd heat; and that's Jogo's game, burning through people, metals, and even whole cities with his Maximum Meteor. While Guldo's high durability may help him weather the storm a bit, the massive range and temperature, added with all the adverse effects of Cursed Energy, these serve as options to put Guldo down for good. Keep in mind that while roughly similar to Cursed Energy in concept, Ki doesn't grant any resistance to the corrosion of Curses. And you, strawman reader, may be asking "But can't Guldo just one shot before it becomes fatal?" And my answer to that is wellll...

Kiiiiinda? Don't get me wrong, even a sneeze from Guldo could put Jogo in a hospital, but the problem all lies in how you percieve it. Literally. Guldo has no realistic way to actually see Jogo or any of his powers, as not only are Curses invisible, Kenjaku also states how their effects are equally imperceivable. Guldo has no way of tracking or seeing Ki emanations, so fighting a spirit that's completely made out of Cursed Energy is the same as fighting a typical ghost, except now it's constantly burning you with invisible fire that gives you ghost diseases, that'll only worsen over time. To the untrained eye, a Curse is only able to be made out through rough, and terrifying aura, which isn't exactly helpful when Guldo is a massive coward. Ki is ultimately strengthened by concentration and emotional stability, so if Guldo is being terrified by this unseeable horror that's quickly killing him, his Ki will only weaken, leaving his defenses more vulnerable. The only arguments to be made for Guldo seeing Jogo are somewhat faulty. In Dragon Ball: Online, Boulean Scouters were eventually developed, the only issue is that Guldo was long dead by the time they were created, making it odd to say he'd actually have access to one. The other is that those without Cursed Energy can see it when nearing death, and while technically Guldo might be able to, as he can survive as a severed head, he never actually did anything afterwards, he just kinda spat out a few curses and got promptly blown up, meaning that Guldo is well on his way out the door when he could feasibly see Jogo. And despite his ego, Jogo could sense or analyze that this weird turtle thing was stronger than Satoru fucking Gojo and know he means business, likely resorting to a Domain, which would fry Guldo even faster, especially with the guaranteed hit. Even though Jogo couldn't sense Gojo's bloodlust, that's because Gojo can mask it, or he simply didn't have any to begin with, which is a skill Guldo canonically lacks.

As for less major arguments, Domain Amplification isn't of all too much use, because even though it might turn off a certain technique Guldo is using, it'll only leave Jogo a sitting duck at that point. Jogo's regeneration is far superior to Guldo, but it won't save him when getting smacked by attacks massively beyond his durability, as Ki blasts often cause substantial explosions, giving little room for only a hand or leg to get nicked. And tragically, the poses won't help Guldo see much better, and will only really draw out his demise. Oh yeah, they can both fly. So no dice there.

Tertiary Factors 

It's clear that neither combatant is perfect, but Jogo certainly takes a skill edge here. Jogo endures extreme pain, battles high class Sorcerers regularly, and has the energy tank to use multiple large skills consecutively. Guldo on the other hand, he's apart of the Ginyu Force, and is "respectable" in his own way, but has been frequently shown to be lazy, out of shape, and runs out of Ki quickly. The poses can amplify stamina, but the boosts are only temporary, rendering it as an imperfect solution. Guldo is also a coward, freaking out when things don't pan out as expected, and ended up using cheap tricks and hiding to win against foes he thought he'd beat easily. Jogo, however, is the complete opposite, and while it can be considered a weakness in of itself, the courage Jogo exemplifies will help him stay in the game longer, and keep a cooler head (pun intended) than his Boulean adversary.


"I knew I should've joined that Ginyu fitness club last year, but no... I had to go on that stupid chili burger diet."

  • Massively faster, stronger, and more durable
  • Time Freeze provides a solid defense
  • High durability can briefly protect him
  • Poses can temporarily help
  • 4 eyes > 1 eye
  • Unable to see Jogo and his attacks
  • No resistances to being Cursed 
  • Lacks heat resilience 
  • Fear manipulation leaves him unlikely to fight back
  • Poor stamina means Ki reserves will steadily fall
  • Freaky as fuck (Debatable advantage)
"Are you dead Dagon? Let me handle the rest. Let's meet again in the wilderness in a hundred years."

  • Invisibillity provides massive coverage 
  • Fear manipulation wil weaken Guldo's resolve
  • Superior fighting skill
  • Greater energy reserve
  • Fire and Cursed Energy side effects will inevitably overwhelm Guldo's resilience 
  • Domain Expansion will result in an assured victory 
  • Weaker and slower by an absurd gap 
  • Domain Amplification is nearly pointless
  • Domain Expansion's buffs will not even out the stat gap
  • Regeneration isn't potent enough to be useful
  • Invulnerability is mitigated by Ki
  • Cursed Clash
Despite Guldos's overwhelming power and impressive psychic skills, Jogo had exactly what he needed to overtax such high durability, and with his terrifying aura and invisibillity, the speed gap was eventually closed enough for his passive flames to take initiative. This proves that with the right mindset, skills, and nature devastating fire paired with death certifying pocket dimensions, David can still beat Goliath...even if they were both the same size in this scenario. By the way quite litterally any other member of the Frieza Force could win this, Guldo specifically is the only one who can't use a Scouter- the winner of this blog is Jogo.



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