Homelander vs Nemesis

"Never meet your heroes"-Marcel Proustel Proust

 Homelander: Vought's number one hero

Nemesis: The nemesis to everything good 

Batman vs Superman: an age old debate, a man able to crush buildings in the palm of his hand vs a man who can overcome almost anything with his genius. But, like, what if they were really bad dudes. While not as strong as their DC counterparts, these two definitely still fit this idea. So will Nemesis take down Vought, bringing another age of no super heroes? Or will the glorious, totally did nothing wrong Homelander flash fry another hater. Let's find out in a DEATHBATTLE...blog

Before we Begin...

We will be using a soft comp for both, so Homelander will take from comics and show, and any content that tie into those, like Diabolical. For Nemesis, we'll use his original comic, Reloaded,  what's out of his newest comic, and stuff that ties into those, like Big Game, where he gets scaling to other Millarworld characters. Another important factor is that Nemesis will get some preparation time, in the Superman vs Batman spirit.



John Gillman; living in a rural town, playing baseball with an American flag; a down to earth hero we can all relate to. Well, that's what Vought wants us to think, in reality he was born in a lab, with the genetics of either Stormfront in the comics or Solider Boy in the show, but he never got an actual father figure, being tortured and pried at in a lab to see his limits, and at the end of it all, Homelander became the perfect American hero. Now, he may have "accidentally" killed some people but so has every hero, don't be a bitch. He's the world's number one hero and leader of the Seven, dude. He would fuck the wife of Billy Butcher, creating his son Ryan, and forging and undying rivalry with Butcher. Due to a less than great childhood, John certainly had some issues, why was he held down by humans? He's smarter, faster, stronger; he was better. Eventually, he'd take over Vought, and train his son to be the "next best hero".


Matthew Anderson; when he was a young lad, he enjoyed the life of a rich kid, and life was good. That was until those evil pigs of the law took away his father, and putting him up to execution, all for simply spicing up his rich life by hunting runaway teens! His father had no choice but to kill himself to avoid the death penalty! Those monsters! Leaving his poor, rich, socopathic mother alone! But worry not...for her dying wish was to have Matt take reverge on the evil police who ruined their lives! Or...maybe not, Matt made that all up, he just wanted some fun in his lavish life, and what better way than to kill people? Or maybe there's some truth behind his lies after all, Matthew grew up in the loving care of his drug dealer parents who were falsely accused of being serial killers and executed, just because the police needed someone to blame. This would send poor Matt into foster homes, where he would run away, and was forced to live on the streets, that was until he met a lady who gave him some drugged coffee,and after his rebirth by being buried alive, his first trial would begin. He would have to kill a child with a spear, and he succeeded, being taken in by the group, who later revealed themselves to be a secret society of villains who rule the world from the shadows. He would train and would become something else. He was no longer Matt. He was the Nemesis of all things good.



While people like to think Homelander is some pushover that's useless if he's not vastly stronger than his opponent, that's far from true. He's held his own against a super powered Billy Butcher, Solider Boy, and a super powered Hughie all at once, with Solider Boy being on par with Homelander in power, and is well, a solider, and a skilled one at that. But combat isn't all he has smarts in, as Homelander is a pretty skilled in manipulation, and could hide his crimes for a long time, and while not as impressive, he still is a great fighter with people weaker than him too, holding up against Black Noir, even when he was just starting being a hero.


Being an evil Batman expy, he's obviously a genius. He's a master of stealth and combat, taking down 97 police officers while injured without getting hit once. He also has skill in technology, hacking into a football stadium and has made many bombs and poisons. But normal people aren't his only target, as he's fought against magic and super powered enemies too, including someone with magic mirrors, portals, and has made complex plans for years ahead.




For being based on Batman, he has more firearms than you'd expect. Pistols, machine guns, rocket launchers, bazookas, etcetera, if it can dispense violence, he probably has at least one.  


One of his favorite tricks is setting up bombs, with potency ranging from detonating buildings and going all the way up to destroying Los Angeles.


Probably being on the list of coolest weapons, Nemesis has his own sword, as well possessing knives, which are just small swords if you think about it. He's also duel wielded swords in the past.

Heat Ray
As the name suggests, Nemesis has a heat ray, being like a flamethrower, just with its potency cranked up to a hundred.

Freeze Ray

Similarly to the last weapon, Nemesis has a freeze ray, which does about what you'd expect from the name.


If a car isn't enough, it can also double as a motorcycle, with it being fitted with guns for extra violence potential.


Henchmen, goons, whatever you want to call them, he has a few, usually armed and as skilled and strong as himself.


If standard weapons don't do the trick, Nemesis has a variety of poisons, such as nerve gas or standardly fatal poison, with it traveling through the air as a nigh invisible and odorless gas.

Ultra Sonic Signal 

A device that emits a noise that's incredibly painful to hear, leading to stunning or disorientation after it is used.

Power Downloader

He has access to all powers in the database, including: electricity, speed, strength, subzero, fire, sound waves, plasma blasts, becoming giant, gravity control, flight, karate expertise, intangiblity, infrared vision, teleporting, and an electromagnetic shield.




He's a Superman expy, Homelander not having flight would be like not having super strength or-

Laser Eyes

Likely Homelander's most iconic, or infamous, ability. He can control the power and range behind these blasts, and are powerful enough to burn through people and metal alike.

Enhanced Senses 

With superpowers comes a super body, and with a super body comes super senses. If using super four times wasn't excessive, Homelander has demonstrated the ability to hear up to 20,000 hertz, and detect the faintness of a heartbeat. He's also been shown to sense neurons firing in a brain, and I'm sure he uses his X-ray vision for good.

Super Scream

To ectentuate his fatal tantrums, Homelander has shown that just his screams are deadly, bursting the ear drums of an average human with ease.





  • Survived a chemical plant explosion (43.4 Tons of TNT)
  • So durable a sword broke when hitting him 
  • Survived a large amount of debris falling on him



  • Blitzed normal people
  • Gets away from a train quickly 
  • Avoids gun fire
  • Comparable to other heroes who have:
    • Moved so fast people can barely see them
    • Enter space in a short time
    • Dodge plasma, or potentially even light (At least Mach 145.77)
    • Evade the freeze ray, which scales to the heat ray, which should move at light speed (0.31c)

  • Can survive his own bombs
  • Can take getting his shit kicked in by heroes 
  • Scales to his attack potency 



While by no means a bad fighter against people his own strength like some may think, that doesn't mean he isn't prone to underestimating opponents. Along with that, his enhanced senses are a double edged sword, as imagine getting a air horn blasted in your ear. Now imagine you hear so good you can make out even small noises in multiple rooms over. 


What super genius is complete without overconfidence. Nemesis is not infallible, as he's been too busy explaining his cool powers to actually fight back once, and if a grand plan doesn't exactly pan out as it should, he usually doesn't have much to bounce back on.



Due to the chemical plant explosion and highly upscaling the melting of a tank, Homelander can get to City Block rather reliably. Meanwhile, Nemesis should scale to around Large Town from the big shockwave, meaning funnily enough, Batman is somehow beating up Superman in physicals. Although there are storm making feats, getting to City, that is something coming from strictly a power, that may not be very combat applicable, so you can go 50/50 on if you think Homelander scales. Nemesis does have bombs on a similar level, and the potential planet level scaling which would definitely blow Homelander out of the water. Regarding speed, it's very close, as both have scaling to lightning/plasma dodging, and potential light speed arguments, so overall, in speed they should be roughly equal. 


Heat ray and laser eyes should equal out, and Homelander's enhanced Senses gives him a great advantage, as Nemesis loves stealth, and could potentially alert Homelander to tools like Nemesis' poisons. But on the other hand, it can bring more harm than good, due to Nemesis having sound attacks able to put heroes rolling in pain, and they don't have super hearing. With that he can also use sub zero to freeze Homelander, or intangiblity to make Homelander not be able to touch him, giving him the opportunity to set up a bomb or poison Homelander, which would put John down.

Tertiary Factors 

Homelander is a great fighter, but Nemesis is just much, much better. Being capable of killing 97 does while injured, it paints a clear picture of his superiority as a combatant over Homelander. Not to mention that he's devoted his life to violence, and killing off superheroes on the regular, meaning Homelander isn't anything he's unequipped against. 



  • Enhanced senses negates stealth 
  • Potentially stronger 
  • Is the number one hero, and could never do anything wrong, God bless Vought 

  • Super hearing fucks him over in the long run
  • Has very few counters to Nemesis' arsenal


  • Bombs match Homelander at his strongest 
  • Smarter and more skilled 
  • Sound attacks debilitate Homelander severely 
  • Potentially stronger physically

  • Can't be stealthy very well here
  • There's apparently a mountain level feat out there, but no matter how much we looked we couldn't find it, and that kinda pisses me off

Well, guess it makes sense, being like opposite Superman and Batman the verdict is opposite too. While Homelander certainly wins in the hearts of us Vought-heads, and certainly can surpass Nemisis in strength, his opponent simply had what it takes to exploit his weaknesses and put an end to the world of superheroes, starting with the top dog. The winner is...



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