Doctor Doofenshmirtz vs Doctor Eggman


"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology."-Carl Sagan 

Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Phineas and Ferb's most "evil" scientist.

Doctor Eggman: Sonic Boom's most "dangerous" villain.

 Being a scientist isn't easy, and neither is being evil, how could it be? After all, those pesky cartoon animals are always thwarting your evil plans, or when your machines backfire. Who's the ultimate evil genius? Well, if the blog doesn't self destruct on us, one of our combatants will take the victory in a DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Begin...

For both combatants, we'll be using the cartoon continuities and whatever media canonically ties into it, such as Doof's appearances in Milo Murphy's Law, or the Sonic Boom comics for Eggman. This also means no crossover games or separate iterations, so don't expect any scaling to Mickey Mouse or Modern Sonic for these two.


Doctor Doofenshmirtz 

Born in the vaguely Eastern European country of Drusselstein, Heinz Doofenshmirtz has a plethora of tragic stories about his past, such as being forced to stand as a garden gnome, his only friend being the moon (and his neighbor Kenny), to even his parents not showing up to his own birth, and being briefly raised by Central American ocelots. But the ultimate cause of his villainy was his younger, and later far more successful brother Roger, who was unambiguously favored by his parents. This favoritism creating Doof's disdain for his brother, making him create his first Inator in a long line to humiliate Roger. He also entered this Inator to a science fair and lost to a baking soda volcano.

Upon moving to America in his teenage years, he began forming schemes to rule the Tri-State Area, and eventually gained a new archenemy: the OWCA agent Perry the Platypus. This rivalry became the crux of the show's secondary plot, with the two getting into all sorts of shenanigans as the series progressed. 

Doctor Eggman

For some odd reason, Doctor Eggman (Ivo Robotnik in the Brazilian dub), was born with a vestigial tail, and it only gets worse from there. Although not explicit, there are implications that Eggman didn't have a good childhood, such as problems with his mother, or not living up to the standards of his judging father. He's also had to leave behind childhood career dreams, such as running away to the circus or being a traffic officer. In his youth he started off his scientific career by creating his first robot, which he called Zippie, and later attended "Evil Scientist School". At the end of his studies, he achieved his doctorate in Evil Science, and while two credits short of graduation, Eggman still took up the honorific of doctor. 

In his rise to power, he eventually encountered his main nemesis, Sonic the Hedgehog, and described their relationship as "hate at first sight". His goal of taking over the Hedgehog Village to create Eggman Land pitting them against each other freqently. Throughout the years, Sonic thwarted many of Eggman's evil schemes, yet he remained consistent, with his plans against Sonic and his friends being what drives many plotlines in the series.

Experience and Skill

Doctor Doofenshmirtz 

Despite his rather spotty track record, Doofenshmirtz is nothing short of a genius. He's created a very wide list of inventions and Inators, ranging from the mundane, to the absolutely reality destroying, such as the Do-Over Inator, which could affect the space-time continuum. When he puts his mind to it, he was even capable of inventing time travel, earning the name "Professor Time" in the future. He's also demonstrated other, far stranger talents, such as fighting using bratwurst and communicating with whales.

Doctor Eggman

Although not the most competent version of the doctor, Boom Eggman is no slouch when it comes to brains. Creating a wide variety of Badniks to give Sonic and company trouble, creating doomsday weapons and devices potent enough to alter even time itself, and fold it through a fusion reaction of energy.


Doctor Doofenshmirtz 


Doof's most iconic collection of weapons, his Inators are incredibly varied, and often very specific in purpose, some notable Inators include:

Destruct-Inator Ray

The Destruct-Inator Ray is a large ray gun that was capable of completely destroying a bridge.


The Drill-Inator is an excavation device that could quickly tunnel deep into the Earth.


The Disintevaporator is an invention that was going to be used to destroy Doof's old mentor's island hideout, and accidentally made a haunted house disappear.

Giant, Robotic Penguin Icy Freeze-Your-Socks-Off Breath-Inator Thingy

This aptly named squadron of massive robot penguins were going to freeze over the entire Tri-State Area with their ice breath.


The Bread-Inator was created to turn a statue near Doof's building into bread, as it reminded him of a bad memory. It has the range to turn a whole roller derby into bread.


The Deevolut-Inator was built in order to make the population less intelligent, and is capable of reversing the process to make one's brain even more developed than before. It can also devolve further, being capable of turning somebody into a single celled organism. 


The Rust-Inator was made for Doof to win a car race, turning all the other racer's cars into rust to do so.


This weapon was made in order to sap Roger of his political powers, and was later modified by other Marvel villains in order to steal the Avenger's abilities.


 In everyone's favorite episode, Doof was going to use this helmet on the titular Kelly Osbourne to send her to an alternate dimension, only for it to be reflected back at him by Perry.


Doof fuses Western and Country music in order to create a rhythm that controls minds, using the hat to make his voice sound more pleasant.


This device makes whoever blasted by it have their worst fear made real, with Doof creating tyrannical vending machines after being shot by it.


The Good Luck-Inator, also known as the Stinkelkrampen-Inator, was used to switch around Doof and Roger's luck through manipulating their luck based energies.


In order to cause more traffic jams, Doof made a machine that could duplicate anything it hits into 8 copies.


Because he hates golf, Doof created a machine that speeds things up, but unaware to him, the invention also tears holes into other dimensions, and rewinds time, almost destroying the universe in the process.


Appearing in several episodes, shrinking devices have been created and used by Doof multiple times across the show.


Doof created this machine to play his absolutely fire psyop in order to effectively brainwash the human race, though its effects were ultimately nullified by Gitchie Gitchie Goo.


Having the appearance of a red lightbulb, this device was built during, but never shown in the original series. It is capable of latching onto inanimate objects and controlling them.


The simplistically named Other-Dimension-Inator was designed to transport Doof to another universe, with him ending up meeting a far eviler version of himself while there.

Do Over-Inator

The Do Over-Inator creates an unstable time loop that repeats a day continuously, and was eventually going to destroy space and time.


This machine was built by Doof, Vanessa, and Perry the Platypus in order to stop the time loop caused by the Do-Over-Inator, although it only has a 55% chance of working, and a 45% chance of destroying everything.


A time machine originally designed to get soda from the 1960s, this invention became a helpful tool to the time travelers Cavendish, Dakota, and Orton. Though it can only run on Time Juice.


This Inator has the function of every invention Doof has built, at least up to Season 3, rendering his other Inators obsolete compared to it.


Due to the episodic nature of the series, Doof has built many, many more Inators than I've listed above, if you wish to see a complete list of all his Inators, there are videos for that purpose that recap better than I can.


Inators aren't everything Doof can build, as he also created his large robot son: Norm. Run on squirrel power, Norm is more than just a pleasant demeanor, as he's also built like a killing machine, having an absurd collection of weapons at his disposal. And like most characters in the show, he can spit bars.


Being the opposite of glue, Eulg was created in order to break objects apart, rather than fix them.

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated

This oddly shaped and affordable building is where Doof does most of his evil doing, holding many of his inventions, as well as a plethora of traps to catch any meddlesome platypi. It also has an iconic jungle, which must be mentioned.

Doctor Eggman


Like his game counterpart, Eggman has created an ensemble of Badniks to finally defeat Sonic, with notable machines including:


This ghostly machine is equipped with the power of hypnotism, using its swirling red eyes to subtlely control the minds of whoever it encounters. Dreamcaster also possesses the passive ability to levitate.


Through an antenna, Hypnobot can project malware signals into any machines with artificial intelligence, being able to control them afterwards. Upon being upgraded, this ability was able to become global.

Decimator Bot

With the two white antenna on the top of its head, Decimator Bot is able to fire beams of ice, that can freeze people solid. It's also capable of shooting out a barrage of missiles.

Ballot Stuffer Bot

Possessing the most powerful ability, this robot can cause voting fraud by producing written ballot papers enmass. It has little to no combat function.

Vacuum Bot

Through its tail, Vacuum Bot has well...a vacuum, capable of sucking objects towards it, like the Tailsmobile. Anything sucked into it is stored in its body.

Scrapheap Bot

Made out of sauce cans and spare parts, Scrapheap Bot is surprisingly powerful, able to shoot cans out like bullets and can reconstitute itself from broken parts.

Octopus Bot

Obviously based off of octopi, the Octopus Boy is shown to have ten metal tentacles, rather than the expected eight. It can also fire out puddles of ink to disorient does and create diversions, as well as being capable of flight.

Yes Bots 

These small flying machines were built in order to agree with everything Eggman says. While useless in a fight, they do serve as an ego boost.


Described as one of the most destructive forces in the universe, Cowbot deceptively powerful; having rocket boots for hooves, and able to fire electrified missile adjacent cud. To create such a powerhouse, Eggman used a radioactive compound called "Mootonium", essentially making Cowbot a nuclear bomb if damaged.

Cubot and Orbot

While not exactly the most useful in a fight, these two robots can both...shred and produce paper, and have a built in juicer. For ease of transport they can also compress themselves into smaller cubes.

Metal Sonic

Built as the ultimate foil to Sonic, Metal Sonic is undoubtedly some of Eggman's best handiwork. Able to match Sonic in speed and strength, Metal Sonic also has built in jet boosters, and a variety of powerful lasers. Coupled with that, Metal can flawlessly copy skills and techniques, being able to both replicate and predict them after exposure to the data.


Robots aren't all the Doctor can build, as he's the creator of the iconic Eggmobile. Aside from it's flight capability, it also has lasers, missiles, cannonballs, a tractor beam, and boulders. 

Wrist Controller

This convenient little device allows Eggman to remotely converse with his robots, as well as tell the time. But assistance isn't all it can do, as it's equipped with a forcefield, what's either a teleporter or a shrink ray, and you guessed it: lasers.

Portal Gun

Although not the one you'd find in a Valve game, this device can be equipped into the Eggmobile and can fire portals which lead to alternate dimensions.

Disintegrator Ray

While not the most complex, this handy dandy handgun is able to reduce whatever Eggman desires to dust, able to effect things as wide as a wall.

Slow Motion Machine 

By harnessing the energy core of a slow cooker, Eggman built this device in order to not be outdone once by Sonic, he used it to slow down the village's time to a crawl.

Particle Accelerator 

Created in a summer camp, and not accurate to what a scientific particle accelerator is, this device can supercharge a person's atoms to provide a power boost, as well as a snazzy purple aura.

Anti Gravity Ray

By projecting a yellow field of anti gravity, this machine can telekinetically carry things with a range wide enough to affect a village, and things as heavy as the village's population.

Mega Microwave Water Vaporizer 

Doing just as the name suggests, this weapon was going to use microwaves to disintegrate an entire ocean. Beast Boy not included.

Evil Cookies

Eggman isn't just a scientific genius, but a culinary mastermind to boot. With these evil cookies, he can turn whoever consumes them into a copy of himself, and if he has the right genetic information, he can become a clone of whomever's genes were added.

Egg Tank

One of Eggman's more potent weapons, the Egg Tank is equipped with missiles, drilling capabilities, and when the energy of it's two super weapons combine with a lightning bolt, it could cause a time loop.


Said to have infinite power (and handsomeness), this mech suit moddled after Eggman himself is well suited for combat, packing missiles, tractor beams, lasers, shurikens, and flight.

Doomsday Device

An incredibly powerful weapon created by Eggman, it functions by disrupting matter and seemingly erasing it entirely. When left unchecked it was going to destroy the entire world, and when two were put together, the slightest slip up could've caused a reality destroying black hole.

Eggman's Lair

Evil robots don't grow on trees, and this is where it gets done. Eggman's lair is very well guarded, possessing defenses like laser turrets and radio signal blocking forcefield, but most importantly, is the fact this lair is used to remotely give power to all of Eggman's inventions.


Doctor Doofenshmirtz 


By nature of being a frequenter of cartoon shenanigans, Doof has survived all sorts of things an average person shouldn't be able to, like withstanding Milo's bad luck, being sent into space, and most disturbingly, being able to survive while turned inside out, as shown above.

Broadway Force

A staple of Phineas and Ferb as a whole, Doof often performs musical numbers, to further his evil schemes or just to get a point across. While not exactly the most effective power, this technique can be used to get the opponent distracted or disoriented by the sudden tunes. He also canonically has guys that make his jingle and music stings.

Breaking the 4th Wall

While not his forte, there have been occasions where Doof has interacted with things like title cards and episodes, and even used Inators on the audience at times. While these Live Events don't really have footage and probably aren't canon this all did happen.


Due to hating grass, Doof created a machine in order to merge minds with a cow, but the process backfired. Now transformed into the Were-Cow, he turns into this large bovine monster when under the influence of a full moon. 


Breaking the 4th Wall 

Doof isn't the only evil scientist breaking 4th walls here, as Eggman, as well as the rest of the Sonic Boom cast does so frequently. Most notably, there's a multitude of 4th wall breaks in the tie-in comic, and Sonic even enters the real world in the series.

Furry Eggman

Attempting to recreate what happened to the in-universe fictional superhero the Clunk, Eggman blasted himself with purple rays in order to get superpowers. Unfortunately, it instead turned him into the strange creature as shown above, with him transforming into it when angered. It's not all bad, as at least this form allows for cat-like agility and flight. Also, no, I do not know why they named it that.

Sonic Cookie

Through eating cookies infused with Sonic's DNA, Eggman was able to become a clone of the titular hedgehog, and allowing him to do whatever a Sonic can, like spin dashes.


Doctor Doofenshmirtz 


  • Founded L.O.V.E. M.U.F.F.I.N.
  • Joined O.W.C.A.
  • Is a good father, despite his upbringing 
  • Ultimately redeemed himself 
  • Invented time travel
  • Became best frenemies with Perry the Platypus 



Doctor Eggman 


  • Outsmarted Team Sonic many times
  • Legally took over Hedgehog Village
  • Conquered the fast food industry
  • Awardy Award nominee
  • Has a doctorate
  • Became best frenemies with Sonic the Hedgehog 




Doctor Doofenshmirtz 

While a super genius in inventing, Doof isn't exactly the most sound when it comes to common sense, whether it be leaving blatant holes in his plans or being consistently fooled by Perry's disguises, he can often come across as blundering. There's also the fact quite litterally everything he builds contains a self destruct button.

Doctor Eggman 

Eggman certainly is brilliant, but it can become hard to believe at times, as he is often rather incompetent, with his massive egotism and pettiness frequently getting in the way of success. And despite being a "man of science", he shows signs of fearing ghosts and other supernatural matters.



Starting off with strength, while these two aren't exactly the most physically powerful, their feats are surprisingly impressive. Due to withstanding his building being blown up, along with being hit by a massive ball of tinfoil, Doof is clocking in with Large Building to City Block levels of power. While Doof isn't a slouch, Eggman trumps this by a decent margin, taking hits from Team Sonic, who're strong enough to break apart meteors, and getting solidly Town level results. Although debatable, there are also arguments to scale Eggman to Universal due to the Morpho and highly dense energy ball feats, though as previously mentioned these are significantly more contentious. Regardless of what stat you put Eggman at, he either out scales Doof by a tier, or by twelve. With all this being said, Eggman is clearly stronger, making it so each physical hit Doof takes likely being his last. Also, while both have feats of breaking the 4th wall, I find it somewhat silly to scale either to some fiction transcending level due to a few gags or debatably canon live event.

As for speed, Doof can consistently match Perry blow for blow, and should scale to his feat of dodging the Bug-Inator, placing him in a range of High Hypersonic all the way to Sub-Relativistic. Although he matches Sonic in speed much less than Doof does Perry, there are still occasions where Eggman can keep up with the blue blur. This allows Eggman to logically downscale Sonic's range of feats, whether it be lasers, lightning, meteors, and even black holes, Sonic's dealt with it, creating a range of High Hypersonic all the way to speeds potentially surpassing light. This coupled with the fact Eggman has dodged lasers on his own, he should reliably match Doof's ranges of speed, and surpass them at higher ends.


The real meat and potatoes of the matchup these two have a wide variety of weapons at their disposal, but even without equipment, the two aren't entirely helpless. Granted, it's unlikely that turning into a Werecow will be all that advantageous in combat, and having high endurance doesn't help with the stat difference, Doof does slightly edge out in standalone powers. While Eggman might have somewhat superior 4th wall breaking, the ability is essentially harmless in spontaneous combat, and in spite of how silly it sounds, Broadway Force may prove effective, potentially giving Doof some leeway to set up an Inator or keep Eggman distracted. And as a message to all zero of those curious, Eggman's furry form sadly will not be at all helpful in winning this fight.

The real noteworthy factor is their inventions, and hoo boy is there a lot of them. Though not all of their tech is hits, after all it's unlikely the Drill-Inator or Ballot Stuffer Bot are going to really sway the verdict, these two are well known for all their zany creations. Their devices for hopping dimensions won't change much, as both have methods to do so, rendering BFR a mute argument. The same goes for time manipulation, if Doof tries to speed up time, Eggman can slow it down, and if Eggman tries to slow down time, Doof can speed it back up, albeit the Accelerate-Inator is rather risky due to it's eventual tampering with space-time. In terms of sheer variety, Doof has Eggman beat, as while Eggman has plenty of inventions, many of them have rather similar functions, things like lasers, missiles, and the occasional telekinesis are seen across the board, and whatever gimmick they do have not being all that potent. On the other hand, Doof has all sorts of capabilities, whether it be mind controlling Eggman, rusting away his inventions, reducing him to an amoeba, evaporating him, the list goes on. The Time-Straighten-Out-Inator is also an effective countermeasure to the Egg Tank, as even if the time loop did occur, the Time-Straighten-Out-Inator was built for the purpose of stopping those in the first place, even if it's odds was 55% to 45%. All in all, it's safe to say Doof is the more varied combatant. 

But variety isn't all there is, as the stats of the weapons are equally important. Despite the incredible power of things like the Do-Over-Inator and the Doomsday Device, their reality destroying power isn't exactly beneficial, as while it's taken out the opponent, it'd destroy everything else along with it, leaving it as a stalemate being generous. But there are certain arguments to get Eggman's tech much higher, as he's described other inventions of his as "the most dangerous thing in the universe" or having infinite power, and while the Doomsday Device could be powered by batteries, the Mebot quickly overtaxed the same energy source, possibly giving credence to certain devices out scaling the Doomsday Device. If you don't fancy Eggman's tech being Universal to potentially far higher, his tougher Badniks can easily match, and often overpower Team Sonic. In comparison, while Doof's technology isn't weak by any means, the power of his Inators are often under circumstance, such as how the Lunar-Tilt-Inator was designed specifically to move the moon, or the Accelerate-Inator's universe destroying was accidental. This leaves his unnamed Inator which could destroy the moon and an unleashed Norm as his most reliably powerful tech. Compared to Eggman, these far exceed the numbers Eggman's robots can get if you don't buy the Universal arguments. So this all leaves one key factor...

Speed and reliability is the make or break for these two, as what's the use in having tech you can't use? This is ultimately where Doof falters, as while his hax are certainly impressive, he may not be able to take advantage of it in the first place. The Chicken-Soup-Inator can knock a meteor off course, and many Inators are able to tag Perry the Platypus, Eggman's machinery is capable of matching Sonic himself, with Metal Sonic being built specifically to surpass the Blue Blur in speed. In functionality, Eggman takes this too, as his robots are far more maneuverable than Doof's often rather clunky and large Inators, paired with the fact all of them possess the same easily exploitable self destruct button. And although it's jingle leaves it a winner in my heart, Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated is a much less useful base than Eggman's Lair, with it's defenses being breached frequently, as well as it not being particularly more reinforced than any average building. Eggman's Lair is also used as a source of energy that can be remotely given to Eggman's tech, while Doof's Inator typically need to be plugged into his headquarters. For all intents and purposes, Doof's inventions may be more diverse, but Eggman's get the job done better.

Tertiary Factors

Surprisingly, in spite of it's scientific theming, this matchup's least important variable is intelligence. Whether it's mind control, time loops, political schemes, reality destroying, you name it, these two's elaborate schemes have an odd amount of overlap, ultimately making the verdict of who's smarter being a matter of rather hard to decide. As to their competence, both show continuous and often situation-based failures, so claiming that one is more successful than the other is more of a case by case basis, rather than anything concrete. In academic strengths and weaknesses, these two should be roughly equals. An edge Doof does take is fighting skill, being able to match trained agents in combat, while Eggman more often than not falls flat when trying to physically best Team Sonic.


Doctor Doofenshmirtz 

  • Better fighting skill
  • Far more varied arsenal which could end the fight
  • Norm and the Unnamed Inator are potentially stronger...
  • Broadway Force could be a distraction 
  • Werecow is a slightly better transformation 
  • Higher pain tolerance
  • Roughly equal intellect
  • Was going to erase the French accent (Based.)
  • Much slower all around 
  • Notably weaker physically regardless of where Eggman is placed
  • ...but they are also possibly far weaker depending on where Eggman is scaled 
  • Less reliable equipment overall
  • Endurance is a non-factor
  • Chibi Doof is not conventionally accessible 
  • Self destruct buttons
  • An alternate universe version is more successful than he is
Doctor Eggman

  • Much stronger physically, using either end of his scaling 
  • Decidedly faster with or without equipment 
  • Significantly better defended home base
  • More effective technology long-term 
  • Can exploit the self destruct buttons
  • Superior 4th wall breaking 
  • Roughly equal intellect 
  • Endorses unpaid labor (Based.)
  • Higher scaling is debatable
  • Lacks resistances to many Inators 
  • Furry Eggman is useless
  • 4th wall breaking is harmless
  • An alternate universe version is more successful than him
In conclusion, while Doofenshmirtz was far from a pushover, and held many potential ends to the fight, Eggman's sheer speed, power, and more dependable arsenal ultimately net him the win. Whether it be through disintegration, dimensional displacement, or just pressing those trusty buttons Doof's arsenal will be quickly whittled away by Egghead's quick wits and quicker speed, leaving the Tri-State Area Eggman's to conquer...albeit if he's any match for Planty the Potted Plant. The winner is Doctor Eggman.




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